
Emptiness wrapped in words?

What is the relation between words and emptiness? Words cannot describe emptiness. By definition itself, emptiness cannot be put into words. Concepts are based on words. Whenever we name, we give a label, the object turns into a concept and this is called conceptualization. We attach a name to a form and that becomes a concept. Concepts are stored in our mind. We use those concepts while thinking. Why is 'thinking' a barrier to self-realization? Truth cannot be defined by concepts. And our mind works only on concepts. If we can give a name to something, it cannot be Truth. Emptiness gives birth, or say, makes space for thoughts. Emptiness is like the white, blank background of a page that we miss to acknowledge. All the thoughts are like words written on the page. Words are content, it will be changing based on the perspective. Truth is unchanging emptiness. Our life situation is also like the content, keeps on changing and moving. Life situations include all that we engage in

Transcend Suffering With Acceptance

Whenever we suffer it is due to some kind of hidden resistance. Resistance simply means we are not accepting the moment. The ideas that are popping up in our head are anti-Now. In other words, we don't want situation the way it is right now. We want it to change.  We want something else, something aligned with the wishes of the ego/self. We want to turn the situation to our benefit. Who has this desire of changing the situation? The ego, meaning, self identified with the body. Why does it have this desire? Because it wants to survive. It derives its existence from pleasures. It thrives on so-called happy moments of life. It constantly seeks for the same pleasures again and again. If it doesn't get this pleasure it feels pain. Human life is entirely based on running away from pain and desiring pleasures. We can divide our experiences into two categories - wanted and unwanted experiences. How to transcend and overcome this unconscious cycle of pleasure and pain? Try accepting the

Roles Vs True Identity

Ever thought that our identity is distinct from the roles we play? In our lives, we all play different roles. Every new phase of life demands us to get into a fresh role. Gender, professional, and familial are a few striking roles that most of us play. Very often it happens that we attach ourselves to roles so much that we can't see and think beyond them. And all of this happens unconsciously. For example, a girl makes a career choice, she opts for a teaching profession, now she considers herself a teacher all throughout her life until she retires. In her mind, her image of being a human and her role has been intertwined. She can't see her separately from her role. She has accepted the role so much that she can't make a distinction any longer. Like that, a man thinks himself to be a husband, and with that comes new responsibilities. But who has got these roles, and responsibilities? The person. We never try to dig deeper and find our real existence. We are not the roles, th

Exploring Fear

The truth is that the fundamental driving force of the majority of humans is fear. Without fear, we don't even feel motivated to do anything. Desire also drives us. However, I'll not cover desire in this article. Today psychology also proves fear is essential for making people do certain things. Although not a healthy emotion, it proves to be useful in controlling people. Mind you, control is not always bad. The people who are unaware of the consequences and live in their dream world need a simple dose of fear from time to time. Let's say there is no punishment for traffic offenses, it's natural that nobody will wear a helmet, or everyone will drive fast. Most of us don't think about the negative consequences of forthcoming situations. In cases like these fear is necessary, essentially when people don't tend to think for their own good Our society mostly has followers, who blindly accept the herd mentality. A part of the reason is that man is a social animal. On

A Guide To Meditation

Once meditated for a considerable period, you witness your thoughts not getting influenced by them. Thoughts will just be like a movie in your mind, which is far from you, and you being the controller of that movie. Meditation has a lot more benefits besides making your mind a slave. Unnecessary thoughts ruin our energy and prevent us from living conscious (full of choice) lives. Meditate today and start taking full charge of your life.  The truth is, we can't really complain about a bad life if the choices we have been making are wrong. Often, we don't like to use our time for our well-being and self-growth, blaming others for our unhappiness or thinking the nature of life is less pleasant in itself. Life can be much more beautiful if you craft it well. Realize, your life is completely your making.  ------ I've been meditating for more than a year now. I know a very easy-to-do meditation technique for beginners. It shows significant results in a short period. Anyone who wi

Why Is There Suffering When God Exists?

 Here is a short story for you! Once there was a barber, and a client came to his shop. The client wanted to have a haircut and a tuft at the back of his head. The barber asked why you wanted a tuft. The client answered, he believed in God, and as a devotee, he wanted to keep a tuft.  He didn't believe in God. He was skeptical. He asked the client why there is so much suffering, if there is God. People are suffering from mental and physical diseases, attachments and so on. The client remained silent. After paying his bills, he went out.  Then after a while, the client started shouting there is no barber in the town. The barber came out of his shop. And asked the barber, what are you saying, I am here, I just gave you a haircut! The client replied look at that beggar, he didn't have his hair cut. He had a big beard and dirty looks. If the barber really would have existed, this man wouldn't be in such a shabby state. Now the barber understood the logic.  If we don't appro


Let's go back to history and learn from Mahatma Gandhi. He have given us some of the precious lessons of life.  We can learn so much from Gandhi, he not only played a major role in making the country free from rulers but also had a great control over his mind.  He had virtues like honesty and non-violence, that gave him the unwavering confidence to fight for the country and these values proved that he had conquered his mind.  And that's why the saying, the one who has conquered his mind, can conquer the world. Gandhiji is the real-life example. One who has developed his mind, like Gandhiji, with virtues and having sharp intellect can attain anything in this world. These virtues in heart and sharp intellect is a requirement for spiritual seekers to progress in the path of Realization.